Let me just prefice by saying this: I LOVE my little home. I live in the coolest apartment in Hollywood with the coolest roommate in Hollywood, and that is a fact. You know your building is kind of a big deal when people respond to your address with a, you live there?! (in an awe and inspiring way, not disgust or pitifully). It’s charming and adorable and I love it. I come home to an adorible doorman (or sometimes doorwoman!) whose only job is to hear my life stories and make sure no robbers find their way to my front door. I can live out dreams of living like How I Met Your Mother by visiting the pub/ restaurant and then go work off all the fries and treats in the gym, all without leaving my building.
We Love the Bounty! And that they give us every sauce under the sun. |
It's gorgeously wonderful. |
Being only 380 sq feet, my apartment is charming all in itself. It may not be the biggest room, but the view pretty well speaks for itself. And if that’s not quite enough, reading on the fireescape and being able to see the Hollywood sign and the Griffith Observatory is!

Now, all of that being said, I can’t help but to feel like there are so many little things I should have appreciated a LOT more in Utah. So, for all of you with lives that you feel are medicore at best, check yours compared to mine, and appreciate any of the following things:
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This is how I feel i look sometimes: I found a parking spot! On the other end of the world. |
A Wendy’s that you can drive home from and still have hot food. Okay, this is random, but accurate. Today, I was so excited to go on a chicken run to Wendy’s. I haven’t been anywhere near there since before I moved and couldn’t wait to dive into the deliciousness. I grabbed it in the drive through, thinking how lovely it would be to eat at home! 7 miles and 40 minutes later. Cold fries. Melted frosty. Dear Wendys so close to my home in Utah, how I miss thee.
A Microwave. What is sadder than cold Wendys fries? Having to eat them cold because you have no microwave. Or stove. Or oven. Or anything that radiates heat in any way. Make a list in your brain really quick of things to eat for real meals that you don’t need a microwave for, aside from cereal. Exactly.
A Bathroom Door. Now oddly enough, I can’t actually say this is the first home that didn’t have a bathroom lacking a shuttable door, and it probably won’t be the last. I’m just lucky enough to have never lived with anyone awkward in these places. However, it is sometimes nice to not have to announce to the world, I’m changing, don’t open the curtain!
A chair. A chair. I literally eat my dinner on a pillow on my concrete floor. Sometimes, I get really excited when people have couches that I can actually sit on! A couch! Even a folding chair is really quite nice. Right after I moved in, we went to the store to buy important things. There was talk of buying lawn chairs for the living/family/eating/sleeping room, but I accidently had to buy those really awesome pillow chairs that are completely unpractical, yet so cozy. Like, I try to say, I don’t need a couch, I can sit in the middle of the floor with this instead! Sit back, fall. over. flat. sigh.

Now, as I said, this is not a complaint list, this is a be grateful for those things list. The awesomeness outweighs the little clamors of my time here by like 9,765,365,453,454. I love my life, my job, my friends and all the new adventures and experiences I'm having. It's also been this crazy amazing learning experience. I fell like I could make a list of new things I've learned, and everyday I could add lots more to it. Today's addition: gratitude and appreciation for things past had.
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I can't complain too much, however, because sometimes lacking real food and furniture results in dinners like this: Air mattress to air mattress, chip to mouth. We rock. |
A chair. A chair. I literally eat my dinner on a pillow on my concrete floor. Sometimes, I get really excited when people have couches that I can actually sit on! A couch! Even a folding chair is really quite nice. Right after I moved in, we went to the store to buy important things. There was talk of buying lawn chairs for the living/family/eating/sleeping room, but I accidently had to buy those really awesome pillow chairs that are completely unpractical, yet so cozy. Like, I try to say, I don’t need a couch, I can sit in the middle of the floor with this instead! Sit back, fall. over. flat. sigh.
Now, as I said, this is not a complaint list, this is a be grateful for those things list. The awesomeness outweighs the little clamors of my time here by like 9,765,365,453,454. I love my life, my job, my friends and all the new adventures and experiences I'm having. It's also been this crazy amazing learning experience. I fell like I could make a list of new things I've learned, and everyday I could add lots more to it. Today's addition: gratitude and appreciation for things past had.